

E-mail address: JintaoLiu@tsinghua.edu.cn

自然状态的细菌常形成紧密聚集的群落,以生物被膜的形态存在。生物膜广泛存在于我们生活中,并与人体健康息息相关。很多细菌感染都涉及到生物膜。此外,生物膜还常附着于医疗器械的表面,为公共健康带来极大的隐患。在群体状态下,细菌对药物及人体免疫系统有很强的耐受性。因此,生物膜常导致持续性感染并难以根除。刘锦涛实验室运用多学科的理论和定量的研究方法,对生物膜的群体行为及其动态特性进行了深入的研究,他首次发现了细菌间的相互合作与竞争导致生物膜周期性减缓生长(Nature, 2015a; Science, 2017);在此基础上,他和合作者还揭示了钾离子在该过程中的信号传导功能(Nature, 2015b; Cell, 2017)。刘锦涛和他的团队在致力于开发研究细菌群体的新方法(Nature Chemical Biology,2023),探索细菌群体中的新规律及其与人体健康的关系。

1.T. Wang, P. Shen, Y. He, Y. Zhang,J. Liu, Spatial transcriptome uncovers rich coordination of metabolism inE. coliK12 biofilm.Nature Chemical Biology19, 940-950 (2023).

2.T. Wang, P. Shen, R. Chai, Y. He,J. Liu, Profiling of bacterial transcriptome from ultra-low input with MiniBac-seq.Environmental Microbiology24, 5774–5787 (2022).

3.Y. Zhang, Y. Cai, L. Zeng, P. Liu, L. Z. Ma,J. Liu, A Microfluidic Approach for Quantitative Study of Spatial Heterogeneity in Bacterial Biofilms.Small Science2, 2200047 (2022).

4.R. Martinez-Corral,J. Liu, G. M. Süel, J. Garcia-Ojalvo, Bistable emergence of oscillations in growing Bacillus subtilis biofilms.PNAS115, E8333–E8340 (2018).

5.J. Liu, R. Martinez-Corral, A. Prindle, D.-Y. D. Lee, J. Larkin, M. Gabalda-Sagarra, J. Garcia-Ojalvo, G. M. Süel, Coupling between distant biofilms and emergence of nutrient time-sharing.Science356, 638–642 (2017).

6.J. Humphries, L. Xiong,J. Liu, A. Prindle, F. Yuan, H. A. Arjes, L. Tsimring, G. M. Süel, Species-Independent Attraction to Biofilms through Electrical Signaling.Cell168, 200-209.e12 (2017).

7.A. Prindle,J. Liu, M. Asally, S. Ly, J. Garcia-Ojalvo, G. M. Süel, Ion channels enable electrical communication in bacterial communities.Nature527, 59–63 (2015).

8.J. Liu, A. Prindle, J. Humphries, M. Gabalda-Sagarra, M. Asally, D. D. Lee, S. Ly, J. Garcia-Ojalvo, G. M. Süel, Metabolic co-dependence gives rise to collective oscillations within biofilms.Nature523, 550–554 (2015).